[CMake] Modified FindDCMTK

Ryan Pavlik rpavlik at iastate.edu
Thu Jun 10 17:18:47 EDT 2010

On 06/10/2010 03:28 PM, Thomas Sondergaard wrote:
> The FindDCMTK.cmake module in the git master branch doesn't find all 
> the dcmtk libraries. I've attached a modified version of FindDCMTK 
> that finds all the dcmtk libraries. It is also about 25% smaller as 
> some duplicated code has been unified using FOREACH.
> I hope you will consider including it in the CMake distribution.
> Regards,
> Thomas Sondergaard 
I ran it through my cleanup tool and made two manual fixes: using 
list(APPEND where appropriate, and using the plural INCLUDE_DIRS.  It 
could be further improved by using the find_package_handle_standard_args 

I've attached my update of your file.


Ryan Pavlik
HCI Graduate Student
Virtual Reality Applications Center
Iowa State University

rpavlik at iastate.edu

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