[CMake] find_file() fails for specific file in C:/Windows/System32 - Why?

Scott Fowler s.fowler at tecplot.com
Thu Jun 3 11:50:48 EDT 2010

Yes, it's 64-bit Windows 7.

I removed problem the files from C:/Windows/System32 and placed them in C:/Windows/SysWOW64 and now they get found.  But they are reported as found in C:/Windows/System32.  Is this expected?


From: David Cole [mailto:david.cole at kitware.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 2:45 PM
To: Scott Fowler
Cc: cmake at cmake.org
Subject: Re: [CMake] find_file() fails for specific file in C:/Windows/System32 - Why?

Is it 64-bit Windows?
What happens if you put those files in "C:\Windows\SysWOW64"?
The command:
dir /s /b "C:\Windows\kernel32.dll"

will show you that there are actually many kernel32.dlls to be found within Windows nowadays...


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 5:18 PM, Scott Fowler <s.fowler at tecplot.com<mailto:s.fowler at tecplot.com>> wrote:
I'm using the 'fixup_bundle' capability for generating my installation package, but GetPrerequisites fails for a specific file, which is in C:/Windows/System32.  Other files in C:/Windows/System32 are found just fine.  I've detected that the problem is specifically with the find_file() call.

# Example Code that illustrates the problem
set (myfiles
    testfile.txt  #dummy file I added to System32 for testing purposes.
set (dirs
foreach(file ${myfiles})
  set(rt "rt-NOTFOUND")
  find_file(rt "${file}" ${dirs} NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
  MESSAGE(STATUS "FILE: ${file}; RT: ${rt}")

FILE: kernel32.dll; RT: C:/Windows/System32/kernel32.dll
FILE: mpich2mpi.dll; RT: rt-NOTFOUND
FILE: testfile.txt; RT: rt-NOTFOUND

If I copy mpich2mpi.dll and testfile.txt to C:/TEMP, the find_file() call will find the files in C:/TEMP.

So my question is why does find_file NOT find mpich2mpi.dll in System32, but it can find it in C:/TEMP.  Does find_file treat the System32 directory special somehow?  Is there a recommended work around to this issue?


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