[CMake] different test cases
Daniel Blezek
Blezek.Daniel at mayo.edu
Fri Jul 16 08:49:18 EDT 2010
We took a slightly different approach, which may be the same in spirit.
In CMake, we have a flag "RUN_LONG_TESTS". This flag is used to add or
remove tests that the developer deemed "long". The long tests are only run
on dashboard machines in our nightly builds. The remaining short tests are
run by all developers and our continuous builds. This way our developers
can run the tests in < 1 minutes while the entire test suite takes > 10
Just $0.02,
On 7/15/10 5:05 PM, "Tyler Roscoe" <tyler at cryptio.net> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 03:39:20PM -0500, "Jörg F. Unger" wrote:
>> I'm using cmake to add a test environment to our project (with ctest).
>> Is there a possibility to generate to groups of test with different tags
>> in the makefile, so that after the generation of the makefiles the user
>> might say
>> make test or make extensiveTest?
> CTest has a ton of flags for controlling which tests to run. We use -R a
> lot.
> If you can come up with a nice way to run your test set (e.g. can you
> put the string "extensive" in any test you want to run as part of the
> "extensiveTest" set?), you could train your developers how to use CTest
> directly. You could also add a custom_target that runs something like
> "${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND} -R extensive", which gives you the build target
> you're looking for.
> tyler
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Daniel Blezek, PhD
Medical Imaging Informatics Innovation Center
P 127 or (77) 8 8886
T 507 538 8886
E blezek.daniel at mayo.edu
Mayo Clinic
200 First St. S.W.
Harwick SL-44
Rochester, MN 55905
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