[CMake] File permissions issue

Johannes Felten johannesfelten at googlemail.com
Tue Jan 12 02:58:59 EST 2010

Hi all,

I couldn't find much information either on Google or the Wiki or elswhere,
so I post my questions here.

We are using Cmake under Linux and have experienced some difficulties with
CMake due to the multi-user-environment in Linux. In one run, CMake
generates files with different file-permissions, eg. in
$CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR/CMakeFiles a file 'progress.make' with
group-permissions set to ReadOnly, whereas a file 'Makefile.cmake' with
group-permissions set to ReadWrite. This makes it impossible to have User A
to configure and run make, and another User B to run re-configure, even if
both users are within the same group of users.

I took a look at the CMake 2.8.0 sourcecode and tracked it down to
Source/kwsys/ProcessUNIX.c in function kwsysProcessSetupOutputPipeFile I
I wonder why CMake sets the permissions explicitly to 644 here. Is this a
bug or done intentionally?

Johannes Felten
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