[CMake] CXX incorrectly includes CMakeFortranInformation.cmake for MinGW/MSYS/Wine

Clinton Stimpson clinton at elemtech.com
Mon Apr 5 21:21:22 EDT 2010

On 04/05/2010 03:00 PM, Alan W. Irwin wrote:
> On 2010-04-05 13:04-0600 Clinton Stimpson wrote:
>> On Apr 5, 2010, at 11:50 AM, Bill Hoffman wrote:
>>> Alan W. Irwin wrote:
>>>>> Have you run cmake --trace yet to figure out what is including 
>>>>> what and where?
>>>> Yes, as alluded to above
>>>> the complete result for cmake --trace --debug-output for
>>>> a CMakeLists.txt file consisting of just
>>>> project(test NONE)
>>>> enable_language(CXX)
>>>> was attached to my first post in this thread.  Part way through is 
>>>> starts
>>>> accessing CMakeFortranInformation.cmake which is the source of the 
>>>> trouble.
>>>> For your convenience I will attach that cmake output to this post 
>>>> as well.
>>> OK, you are going to have to look at the C++ code to figure this out.
>>> You will need to add some debug prints to this function:
>>> void
>>> cmGlobalGenerator::EnableLanguage(std::vector<std::string>const& 
>>> languages,
>>>                                  cmMakefile *mf, bool)
>>> ...
>>>  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator l = languages.begin();
>>>      l != languages.end(); ++l)
>>>    {
>>> Seems that Fortran is getting into the list of enabled languages.
>>> Might also want to put prints in cmEnableLanguageCommand
>>> ::InitialPass  and void 
>>> cmMakefile::EnableLanguage(std::vector<std::string> const &  lang,
>>>                               bool optional)
>> So interleaving wine tracing and cmake tracing along with some
> debugging... the problem comes from within
> SystemTools::GetActualCaseForPath() where it takes as input
> <somepath>/CMakeTestCXXCompiler.cmake and returns
> <somepath>/CMakeFortranInformation.cmake. I'm guessing its a bug in 
> Wine's
> GetShortPathName() or GetLongPathName().  There are more modern apis for
> getting the actual case of a file, but they probably don't work on 
> Windows
> 98.
> Hi Clint:
> Thanks for debugging it this far.  I (obviously) wasn't looking forward
> to setting that up for myself.
> From the code itself in kwsys/SystemTools.cxx it just simply returns 
> what is
> input for the non-Windows case.  So is the input you referred to above
> actually <somepath>/CMakeCXXInformation.cmake rather than
> <somepath>/CMakeTestCXXCompiler.cmake?  If you actually reporyed that 
> input
> correctly it sounds like SystemTools::GetActualCaseForPath() is
> "remembering" values from a previous call which might be an issue in the
> CMake C++ code itself when something else is going wrong (say on the Wine
> side).
> Also, could you look further to see why "project(test CXX)" generates 
> this
> error while "project(test C)" does not?  Assuming "project(test C)" 
> does use
> this code path, why are correct results being returned in that case 
> but not
> for CXX?

I've submitted a bug report to the wine bugzilla with a very simple test 
case (bug #22286).  So the bug can be taken care of or discussed over there.

If anyone needs a workaround until its fixed, just modify 
kwsys/SystemTools.cxx's PortableGetLongPathName() to use 
OldWindowsGetLongPath() instead of GetLongPathNameA() from kernel32.dll.


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