[CMake] cmake linking issue

Timothy Chan timothychanmailinglists at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 11:38:03 EDT 2009

Hi, I tried running it in verbose mode. I'm not fully understanding what is
written below but because there is nothing after -lode it makes me suspect
that it does not know where ode is. Also, because there is nothing after
-lboost_thread and -lboost_signals, and there is a referencing error to both
of these, I suspect that it also does not know where these reside. Any

Linking CXX executable gazebo
cd /home/timchan/gazebo-0.9.0/build/server && /usr/bin/cmake -E
t CMakeFiles/gazebo-exec.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/usr/bin/c++   -O3 -DNDEBUG  -fPIC CMakeFiles/gazebo-exec.dir/main.o  -o
-rdynamic -L/home/timchan/gazebo-0.9.0/build/libgazebo
9.0/build/server/gui -L/home10/timchan/ogreroot/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lltdl
sr/local/lib -lode -lOgreMain -L/home10/timchan/ogreroot/lib -lOgreMain
-lxml2 -
lpthread -lz -lm -lXft -lX11 -lfreetype -lXrender -lfontconfig -lopenal
at -lavcodec -lboost_thread -lboost_signals -lfreeimage
0 audio_video/libgazebo_av.so.0.9.0 gui/libgazebo_gui.so.0.9.0 -lgazebo
-lltdl -
lgazebo -lopenal -lfltk_images -lfltk_forms -lfltk_gl -lGL -lfltk
/libSM.so /usr/X11R6/lib/libICE.so /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so
xt.so -lm
libgazebo_server.so.0.9.0: undefined reference to `dBodySetMass'
libgazebo_server.so.0.9.0: undefined reference to `dJointGetHinge2Param'
libgazebo_server.so.0.9.0: undefined reference to `dWorldQuickStep'
libgazebo_server.so.0.9.0: undefined reference to `dCreateSphere'
libgazebo_server.so.0.9.0: undefined reference to `dBodyEnable'
libgazebo_server.so.0.9.0: undefined reference to `dBodyCreate'
libgazebo_server.so.0.9.0: undefined reference to `dJointSetHinge2Axis1'
libgazebo_server.so.0.9.0: undefined reference to
l_base_impl::connect_slot(boost::any const&,
p const&, boost::shared_ptr<boost::signals::detail::slot_base::data_t>,

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 7:48 AM, Hendrik Sattler <post at hendrik-sattler.de>wrote:

> Zitat von Timothy Chan <timothychanmailinglists at gmail.com>:
>> -- checking for module 'ode>=0.10.1'
>> --   package 'ode>=0.10.1' not found
>> --   ode-config reports version 0.11.1
>> It first says that it was not able to find the required ode, but then
>> implies that it has been found.
> The first two line probably search for a pkg-config file and since that is
> not found, the program "ode-config" is found and used.
>  Ultimately cmake completes without errors
>> and generates the makefile. There are however two warnings, and I am not
>> sure that this is related to the problems that I am experiencing:
>> CMake Warning at server/CMakeLists.txt:102 (ADD_EXECUTABLE):
>>  Cannot generate a safe linker search path for target gazebo-exec because
>>  files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit
>>  directories:
>>    link library [libGL.so] in /usr/lib may be hidden by files in:
>>      /usr/X11R6/lib
>>  Some of these libraries may not be found correctly.
> You can ignore this (one is a link to the other) and you can disable this
> with the cmake option -Wno-dev
>  When I run make on the makefile that cmake has generated, make will get to
>> 98% at which point it performs "Linking CXX executable gazebo" and gives
>> me
>> many error messages such as:
>> libgazebo_server.so.0.9.0: undefined reference to `dBodySetMass'
> Maybe ode-0.11.1 is not fully backward-compatible to ode-0.10?
> You can make the full link line visible with "make VERBOSE=1".
> HS
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