[CMake] setting CMAKE_BINARY_DIR has no effect

Voisard, Shane S CIV NSWCDD, K54 christopher.voisard at navy.mil
Tue Nov 24 12:24:42 EST 2009

command line cmake (2.6.4) is always putting the generated build files under
the current working directory from which cmake is executed, regardless of
the value of CMAKE_BINARY_DIR.
I have this directory tree; the names are symbolic, not absolute:
parent (current working dir)
top-level-cmake  (project root contains top-level CMakeLists.txt)

I execute this command from within parent:
cmake.exe -G "Visual Studio 8 2005" \
          -C "top-level-cmake\init_cache.txt" top-level-cmake

The file "init_cache.txt" contains the command:
The value of CMAKE_BINARY_DIR before the set command is 'parent'
The value of CMAKE_BINARY_DIR after the set command is 'parent/top-level-cmake'
cmake executes and finishes with the output:
-- Build files have been written to: parent
I have also tried setting the values for CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR, PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR, 
PROJECT_BINARY_DIR in various combinations, but with no effect.
I have read the 2.6 manpage, the cmake wiki and several mailing list postings,
but I have not found a solution to this problem.
This is important to us because we want to evolve our workflow so that 
cmake is executed from within another build script.  

Shane Voisard

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