[CMake] Question about -E cmake_progress_start ...

Xiangyun Kong xykong at yahoo.com
Thu May 28 15:18:38 EDT 2009

I found what cmake did by scannong the cmake source code,
not sure why this is not documented.

In fact, there are quite a few commands not documented,
for the -E cmake_progress_start, based on the implementation,
the syntax format is,

   -E cmake_progress_start [<dir>] [### or <a file contains ###>]

and cmake requires the command line must have exact 4 arguments, and
cmake will create a file 


and write the ### to the file.

And the file will be used by another undocumented command,

       -E cmake_progress_report [<dir>]


--- On Thu, 5/28/09, Tyler Roscoe <tyler at cryptio.net> wrote:

> From: Tyler Roscoe <tyler at cryptio.net>
> Subject: Re: [CMake] Question about -E cmake_progress_start ...
> To: "Xiangyun Kong" <xykong at yahoo.com>
> Cc: cmake at cmake.org
> Date: Thursday, May 28, 2009, 8:08 AM
> Make sure you reply to the list, not
> just to me.
> On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 10:35:19PM -0700, Xiangyun Kong
> wrote:
> > I can sense the meaning, but just try to make sure
> > I could fully understand it. Do you happen to know
> any
> > documentation about it ? 
> I don't.
> > My development needs to maintain some CMAKE scripts,
> which 
> > requires my understanding of CMAKE syntax and
> semantics.
> It's really an internal process. I've never needed to touch
> it. 
> If you really, really want to understand it, crack open
> Makefile at the
> top of your binary directory and/or the CMake code and
> start reading.
> tyler

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