[CMake] Question about -E cmake_progress_start ...

Tyler Roscoe tyler at cryptio.net
Thu May 28 11:08:37 EDT 2009

Make sure you reply to the list, not just to me.

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 10:35:19PM -0700, Xiangyun Kong wrote:
> I can sense the meaning, but just try to make sure
> I could fully understand it. Do you happen to know any
> documentation about it ? 

I don't.

> My development needs to maintain some CMAKE scripts, which 
> requires my understanding of CMAKE syntax and semantics.

It's really an internal process. I've never needed to touch it. 

If you really, really want to understand it, crack open Makefile at the
top of your binary directory and/or the CMake code and start reading.


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