[CMake] installing dependents

Clinton Stimpson clinton at elemtech.com
Mon Jul 20 14:12:51 EDT 2009

Would the general cmake solution for find_program/find_library do 
something like this:
dumpbin /headers {some.lib|some.dll|some.exe} | findstr "machine"  ?
I get either AMD64 or x86 in the output from that.

If find_program did it right, then gp_resolve_item would give me the 
right .dll file.


David Cole wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 1:39 PM, Clinton Stimpson 
> <clinton at elemtech.com <mailto:clinton at elemtech.com>> wrote:
>     Thanks.  Do you know if gp_resolve_item handles 64 and 32 bit
>     binaries correctly on Windows?
> Definitely not. On Windows, it uses find_program to find the dlls in 
> the PATH or in a list of directories provided by the caller... This is 
> only based on dll name, so it could potentially return improper 
> results (with respect to 32- and 64-bit dlls). You can either: fix 
> gp_resolve_item to consider the bit-ness of the result, or provide a 
> cmake function named "gp_resolve_item_override" in which you deliver 
> the result in your own code. Preferably, add code to gp_resolve_item 
> to match the bit-ness of the result with the bit-ness of the input...
> (Personally, I would really like to see a general CMake solution to 
> the problem of matching library bit-ness for Win32 and Win64 uses of 
> find_library / find_program.... That may be a bit beyond the scope of 
> what you're hoping to achieve here though.)
> Keep up the good work! Sounds like you are making progress on this 
> stuff... :-)
> David
>     "dumpbin /dependents" is used and it doesn't return full paths
>     like ldd does on Linux, or otool on Mac.
>     I put both in my PATH, so I can run both 32 and 64 bit programs.
>      I just wanted to make sure I was getting the right .dll when I
>     copy it into my installation directory.
>     Clint
>     David Cole wrote:
>         On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 6:48 PM, David Cole
>         <david.cole at kitware.com <mailto:david.cole at kitware.com>
>         <mailto:david.cole at kitware.com
>         <mailto:david.cole at kitware.com>>> wrote:
>            No. It's supposed to return the actual string that is
>         referenced
>            by the thing being analyzed. But you can call
>         gp_resolve_item to
>            get the full path... (There is a reason for this, although
>         I can't
>            remember what it is at the moment... If I think of it, I'll
>         reply
>            again.)
>         I thought of/remembered the reason, so I'm replying again:
>         The get_prerequisites function needs to return items exactly
>         as they are referenced in the executable being analyzed such
>         that ...... later on, the caller can use that string as an
>         input to install_name_tool for replacing it with something
>         like "@executable_path/...." -- if the item were returned
>         resolved, then we would have to re-analyze the executable
>         later to figure out which string in the otool output
>         corresponds to the resolved item... (Or keep a map of them
>         around, as is done in BundleUtilities...)
>            From commentary in the middle of the get_prerequisites
>         function:
>                # Use the raw_item as the list entries returned by this
>            function. Use the
>                # gp_resolve_item function to resolve it to an actual full
>            path file if
>                # necessary.
>                #
>                set(item "${raw_item}")
>            HTH,
>            David
>            On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 6:40 PM, Clinton Stimpson
>            <clinton at elemtech.com <mailto:clinton at elemtech.com>
>         <mailto:clinton at elemtech.com <mailto:clinton at elemtech.com>>>
>         wrote:
>                Is get_prerequisites() supposed to return absolute
>         paths all
>                the time?
>                For example, on the Mac, I've got some frameworks in
>                /Library/Frameworks that I may want to copy if they
>         might not
>                exist on other Macs.  When I call get_prerequisites(),
>         getting
>                "foo.framwork/" instead of
>         "/Library/Frameworks/foo.framework/"
>                Clint
>                David Cole wrote:
>                    So I would love to see a corollary to
>                    BundleUtilities.cmake for Mac on Windows and Linux,
>         too.
>                    Using GetPrerequisites to gather the set of dependent
>                    files is obviously the first step.
>                    Then, on Windows, a function that installs all the
>                    dependent dlls to the same location as the executable
>                    would be awesome.
>                    On Linux, I guess you would have to make sure
>         everything
>                    you depend on is either already installed in its
>         install
>                    path, or aware of your install path, or uses
>                    LD_LIBRARY_PATH -- the issues here are the ones I
>         am least
>                    familiar with (compared to Windows and Mac anyhow).
>                    I don't think this should ever be fully automated
>         because
>                    of licensing and coyright issues. Technically, it
>         is easy
>                    to gather the set of required files to make
>         something work
>                    on a practical level. The issue will be: "hey,
>         you're not
>                    allowed to copy *that* dll" because of such and such
>                    non-technical reason...
>                    Having said all this, and that I would love to see
>         it, I
>                    must admit: it is not presently on the radar for
>         any CMake
>                    developers as far as I know. So, as always: patches
>                    welcome. :-)
>                    HTH,
>                    David
>                    On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 3:05 PM, Clinton Stimpson
>                    <clinton at elemtech.com <mailto:clinton at elemtech.com>
>         <mailto:clinton at elemtech.com <mailto:clinton at elemtech.com>>
>                    <mailto:clinton at elemtech.com
>         <mailto:clinton at elemtech.com>
>                    <mailto:clinton at elemtech.com
>         <mailto:clinton at elemtech.com>>>> wrote:
>                       So I'm using GetPrequisites.cmake to gather
>         dependencies.
>                       Are there any examples, tips, etc.. for using this?
>                       With the results I'm getting back, I do a
>                       file(INSTALL ... ) because that's what I see in the
>                       cmake_installcmake file.  Should it be documented?
>                       But these files I'm getting back are soft links
>         to the real
>                       library.  And the file(INSTALL ... ) just puts a
>                    softlink in my
>                       installation directory instead of a real library.
>                       Is there some higher level cmake function I
>         should be
>                    calling to
>                       install libraries on Unix/Linux, similar to how
>         there is
>                       BundleUtilties.cmake for Mac?  Or ideally, is
>         there one
>                    function I
>                       can use on all platforms to install some
>         prerequisites?
>                       Thanks,
>                       Clint
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