[CMake] project() and SLN files

Michael Wild themiwi at gmail.com
Sat Jul 4 03:16:10 EDT 2009

On 4. Jul, 2009, at 0:24, Andreas Pakulat wrote:

> On 03.07.09 17:09:08, Robert Dailey wrote:
>> Again, this is all just a misunderstanding on my part. It was a bit
>> misleading. What purpose does project() serve on other generators,  
>> like
>> XCode or Makefile?
> As far as I know for Unix Makefile's it serves no other purpose than
> enabling/disabling languages and specifying those two additional
> variables.
>> I'd test these myself if I had those platforms available.
> Well, you could check the NMake Makefiles generator ;)
> Andreas

It is also useful if parts of a larger project can be used  
independently in other projects or as e.g. stand-alone libraries.


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