[CMake] Function variable name question

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Jan 27 12:46:57 EST 2009

James Bigler wrote:
> I have the following code in a script:
> function(set_var var)
>   message("var = ${var}")
>   message("${var} = ${${var}}")
>   set(${var} "new_val")
>   message("${var} = ${${var}}\n")
> endfunction()
> set(myvar 10)
> set_var(myvar)
> # Empty variable
> set_var(myvar2)
> set_var(var)
> # Set variable
> set(var 11)
> set_var(var)
> When I run it I get the following output:
> var = myvar
> myvar = 10
> myvar = new_val
> var = myvar2
> myvar2 =
> myvar2 = new_val
> var = var
> var = var
> new_val =
> var = var
> var = var
> new_val =
> I get expected output when the name of the variable I pass in isn't the same
> as the one used in the function parameter list.
> Is this the desired behavior of the language?  I would argue that it isn't,
> because you get different behavior based on the name of the variable passed
> in.

Um... and how would you claim it is supposed to work? You've got a 
classic case of variable shadowing here. If you think about it, CMake is 
doing exactly what you told it to do.

IOW, don't do that ;-).

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