[CMake] File modification detection based on content (not timestamp)

Nicolas Desprès nicolas.despres at gmail.com
Wed Jan 7 18:14:57 EST 2009

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 11:14 PM, Robin Vobruba <czech at sunrise.ch> wrote:

Hi Robin,

> We also recently moved from SVN to GIT with our main repository.
> Because of the way GIT works, we would like CMake to check for file
> modification based on file contents, rather then timestamps. This
> would let us use the advantages of GIT to its fullest, save us from
> keeping a separate local repository for each branch, and in general
> make development much more comfortable.
> If you want me to further explain all this, i would be happy to do that.

I'm also using git and cmake and I use ccache to solve this problem.
When building after switching branch if you did not change anything
ccache hits the cache. I know ccache works well with gcc or mingw but
for other compiler I don't know. Maybe it is possible to use it only
with the Makefile generator of cmake.


Nicolas Desprès

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