[CMake] CMake not honoring ENV variable with MSYS

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Fri Feb 13 12:49:02 EST 2009

Interesting.... ProgramFiles, SystemRoot and other "pre-defined" Windows env
vars show up as mixed case in my Windows cmd prompt, but in the MSYS prompt,
all env vars are all caps.

That is odd. Even odder that I never noticed that before...

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Mike Jackson
<mike.jackson at bluequartz.net>wrote:

> From some experimentation and some anecdotal evidence on the internet it
> would seem that environment variables need to be ALL CAPITALS or MSYS will
> NOT pick them up. Odd.
> And in fact changing MXADataModel_INSTALL to MXADATAMODEL_INSTALL in the
> "My Computer" settings and in my .bash_profile allows the proper over ride
> when I am using msys.
> Odd.
> Thanks for the help
> Mike
> David Cole wrote:
>> What do "set" and "export" report from your MSYS prompt as the value
>> of MXADataModel_INSTALL?
>> Is there a leftover CMake cache value for MXADataModel_INSTALL from before
>> you set the env in your .bash_profile?
>> Perhaps something else does a SET(ENV{MXADataModel_INSTALL} "VS9 path")
>> "for
>> you"...?
>> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Mike Jackson
>> <mike.jackson at bluequartz.net>wrote:
>>  Not really sure if this is a CMake issue or and MSYS issue or "operator
>>> error" BUT when I run cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" from an msys shell to
>>> configure my project there is one environment variable that is NOT being
>>> honored.
>>>  The variable (MXADataModel_INSTALL) is defined in the "My
>>> Computer->Properties->.... " where I have it defined to
>>> C:\Developer\VS9\MXADataModel. Now, in my .bash_profile I redefine it to
>>>  /c/Developer/GCC/MXADataModel.
>>>  When I run cmake on my project I still get the "VS9" path. I have
>>> several
>>> other variables defined the same way (EXPAT, TIFF, HDF5, QT-4.4.3) and
>>> all
>>> those variables are over-ridden correctly and all those variables will
>>> use
>>> the "GCC" path instead of the "VS9" path when in an MSYS shell.
>>>  I have checked the spelling, rewritten the .bash_profile a few different
>>> ways. I just don't "see" where I am screwing up for this one variable.
>>>  Any help or places to look in my configurations would be helpful and
>>> very
>>> much appreciated.
>>> Thanks
>>> Mike Jackson
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