[CMake] Linking against OS X Frameworks

ML mailinglists at MailNewsRSS.com
Tue Aug 11 14:27:47 EDT 2009

Hi All,

>> CoreServices.framework/Headers/CoreServices.h:20:6: error: #error 64-
>> bit not supported

> As I said in my last reply, the 10.4 SDK does not support 64 bit
> development.  You are explicitly telling CMake to use the 10.4 SDK and
> you are also, explicitly or implicitly, telling it to build as 64 bit.
> Those two things are not compatible.

OK, here is what I have done now:

1. Downloaded latest CMake 2.7 from CVS, compiled and installed in / 
opt/cmake-2.7/ as to not interfere with anything else.

2.  edited my .profile to include the above path

3. verified version of cmake I would be getting when executing cmake  
from a command-line

[jtsm at Jason-T-Slack-Moehrles-MacBook-Pro ~]$ cmake -version
cmake version 2.7.20090811

4. Created an 'initialCache.cmake' file that contains:

# Apple Specific
set (CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk)

5. From a command-line I now run:

cmake -CinitialCache.cmake  .

6. I get the same errors like: (and I knew I would)

CoreServices.framework/Headers/CoreServices.h:20:6: error: #error 64- 
bit not supported

7. Googling around I found:  (with a tidbit from Sean...)

Which says for gcc to compile

in 32-bit: gcc -m32 -o output32 hello.c
in 64-bit: gcc -m64 -o output64 hello.c

8. My question is now what can I set in my initial cache to tell gcc  
to set 32-bit by default? Or if i can't do this in initial cache, how  
do I solve it?  Am I on the right track with this logic?



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