[CMake] CPack/NSIS - Order of components

Johannes Stallkamp johannes.stallkamp at rub.de
Mon Sep 15 08:07:03 EDT 2008


how can I control the order in which components show up in the NSIS 
installer using CPack?

Obviously, NSIS shows them as listed in projects.nsi generated by CPack. 
But I don't understand how to tell CPack my preferred order,
e.g. base system first, optional packages second..... currently it 
always comes out the other way round. Or does CPack always automatically 
put component groups first and ungrouped items second?

My project:
- base system A
- some other major component B
- group 1 X:
    - option 1a
    - option 1b
- group 2 Y:
    - option 2a
    - option 2b

- group 1 X:
    - option 1a
    - option 1b
- group 2 Y:
    - option 2a
    - option 2b
- base system A
- some other major component B

So both the groups and the single items are sorted alphabetically 

What can I do to order the components in some specific way ( preferred: 
order of definition ) ?


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