[CMake] creating <Package>Config.cmake and the LOCATION property

Server Levent Yilmaz leventyilmaz at gmail.com
Tue Sep 9 15:18:00 EDT 2008

I have an outdated version of "Mastering CMake" book (for CMake version
2.2).   Referring to section 6.7 "Creating a <Package>Config.cmake file",
 the configure step contains the following:


where Gromit is the library target and GROMIT_LIBRARY is the variable to be
used by CONFIGURE_FILE(  GromitConfig.cmake.in  ... ) command. The problem
is that the LOCATION property is deprecated in CMake 2.6 (see
http://www.cmake.org/HTML/cmake-2.6.html#prop_tgt:LOCATION ), for reasons
which seems to exclude this particular use.

So, what is the correct way to create config files for a library project?


Server Levent Yilmaz
Mechanical Engineering
University of Pittsburgh
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