[CMake] MPI modules

Alin M Elena alin.elena at qub.ac.uk
Tue Sep 9 04:25:59 EDT 2008

Hi Robert,

A simpler method to pass the flags would be
to set in tou CMakeLists.txt 

and then the flags that you pass throught CXXFLAGS variable would be read.


 "...if the universities will not study useless subjects, who will?" 
                             G. F. Fitzgerald, Nature, 45/46, 392 (1892)
 Mr. Alin M. ELENA
 Atomistic Simulation Centre
 School of Mathematics and Physics
 Queen's University Belfast
 Office: +44 (0)28 9097 1428
 Fax: +44 (0)28 9097 5359
 alin.elena at yahoo.co.uk 
 alin.elena at qub.ac.uk

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