[CMake] [CMAKE]make uninstall

Alin M Elena alin.elena at qub.ac.uk
Thu Sep 4 12:15:42 EDT 2008


I remember that use to be an example somewhere on the cmake website.
Until then here is an example of the uninstall

## uninstall target
###create the uninstall script
set(unfile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake)
file(WRITE ${unfile} "IF(NOT EXISTS \"install_manifest.txt\")\n")
file(APPEND ${unfile} "MESSAGE(\"FATAL_ERROR Cannot find \\\"install 
manifest\\\": install_manifest.txt\")\n")
file(APPEND ${unfile} "ENDIF(NOT EXISTS \"install_manifest.txt\")\n")
file(APPEND ${unfile} "FILE(READ \"install_manifest.txt\" files)\n")
file(APPEND ${unfile} "STRING(REGEX REPLACE \"\\n\" \";\" files \"\${files}\")\n")
file(APPEND ${unfile} "FOREACH(file \${files})\n")
file(APPEND ${unfile} "  MESSAGE(STATUS \"Uninstalling \\\"\${file}\\\"\")\n")
file(APPEND ${unfile} "  IF(EXISTS \"\${file}\")\n")
file(APPEND ${unfile} "    EXEC_PROGRAM(\n")
file(APPEND ${unfile} "      \"\${CMAKE_COMMAND}\" ARGS \"-E remove 
file(APPEND ${unfile} "    OUTPUT_VARIABLE rm_out\n")
file(APPEND ${unfile} "      RETURN_VALUE rm_retval\n")
file(APPEND ${unfile} "      )\n")
file(APPEND ${unfile} "    IF(\"\${rm_retval}\" STREQUAL 0\)\n")
file(APPEND ${unfile} "    ELSE(\"\${rm_retval}\" STREQUAL 0\)\n")
file(APPEND ${unfile} "    MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR \"Problem when removing 
file(APPEND ${unfile} "    ENDIF(\"\${rm_retval}\" STREQUAL 0)\n")
file(APPEND ${unfile} "  ELSE(EXISTS \"\${file}\")\n")
file(APPEND ${unfile} "    MESSAGE(STATUS \"File \\\"\${file}\\\" does not exist.
file(APPEND ${unfile} "  ENDIF(EXISTS \"\${file}\")\n")
file(APPEND ${unfile} "ENDFOREACH(file)\n")
 "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -P "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake")

 "...if the universities will not study useless subjects, who will?" 
                             G. F. Fitzgerald, Nature, 45/46, 392 (1892)
 Mr. Alin M. ELENA
 Atomistic Simulation Centre
 School of Mathematics and Physics
 Queen's University Belfast
 Office: +44 (0)28 9097 1428
 Fax: +44 (0)28 9097 5359
 alin.elena at yahoo.co.uk 
 alin.elena at qub.ac.uk

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