[CMake] MSVC71 problems when upgrading to CMake 2.6.2
Luke Kucalaba
lkucalaba at dsci.com
Thu Oct 9 13:15:58 EDT 2008
The attachment was shot down. I renamed to .png and reattached. So you
will have to rename from .png to .zip when you download it. Maybe this
will work? Any suggestions on how to post this project?
-----Original Message-----
From: Luke Kucalaba
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 1:19 PM
To: 'Bill Hoffman'
Cc: 'cmake at cmake.org'
Subject: RE: [CMake] MSVC71 problems when upgrading to CMake 2.6.2
I spoke too soon when I said it worked fine. I was mistaken as to which
machine I was working on when I said that. I have two virtually
identical machines, one with CMake 2.4.7 and another with CMake 2.6.2.
Anyway, I wrote that simple example project that illustrates the
problem. This project works correctly with CMake 2.4.7 but the compiler
flags are incorrect for the Util target with CMake 2.6.2. I wrote a
simple batch script to generate the msvc71 files. Just cd to the
extraction folder and execute runcmake.bat.
I attached to this email, hopefully the cmake mailing list allows
-----Original Message-----
From: Luke Kucalaba
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 12:54 PM
To: 'Bill Hoffman'
Cc: cmake at cmake.org
Subject: RE: [CMake] MSVC71 problems when upgrading to CMake 2.6.2
I wrote a simple example project that is structured similarly to our
real project, and it worked fine. I am going to keep working on this
example project to get closer and closer to the real project until we
isolate exactly what the problem is. Thanks for the suggestion.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Hoffman [mailto:bill.hoffman at kitware.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 12:19 PM
To: Luke Kucalaba
Cc: cmake at cmake.org
Subject: Re: [CMake] MSVC71 problems when upgrading to CMake 2.6.2
Luke Kucalaba wrote:
> Our software team is having problems upgrading to CMake 2.6.2 from our
> current working build system that uses CMake 2.4.7. In particular, we
> are using the "Visual Studio 7 .NET 2003", "NMake Makefiles", "Unix
> Makefiles", and "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" project/makefile
It would be helpful if you could create a smaller test case that shows
this problem. From what you have said it does not sound that hard to
create. So, please provide a complete example for me to try.
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