[CMake] add_custom_command: regenerate all on modifcation?

Dave Milter davemilter at gmail.com
Sat May 31 04:55:13 EDT 2008

On 5/30/08, Alan W. Irwin <irwin at beluga.phys.uvic.ca> wrote:
> On 2008-05-30 12:50+0400 Dave Milter wrote:
> > The problem become arris on big project.
> > It used qt, and when I add new file, it regenerate all stuff,
> > like moc files, ui_*.h files and so on,
> > this lead to rebuild corresponding C++ files,
> > and this is too long for me, and I also do not see, why
> > this should be so?
>  You are performing a bad test because your commenting/uncommenting is
>  changing the CMake code which is not how you should be testing for
>  source-file dependencies. Instead, use the "touch" command (at least on
>  Unix) to see how your build responds to _source file_ changes (not CMake
>  file changes).

Sorry, I completely not understand you, I don't see why I need test
source file dependencies, I want test what I test: cmake files

Let's I try explain again, In my real project I have files like

from this files using some tools C++ code will be generated:

and from this header files depend some C++ code:

and what happening if I add modue1.cpp to project? (edit CMakeLists.txt)
module1.cpp not depend on any already existing files in project.

expected result:
module1.o (module1.obj) was build, and after that main application
will be relinked,

real result:
the ui_a.h, ui_b.h, ui_c.h will be regenerated,
after that a.cpp b.cpp c.cpp will be rebuild,

but as I see other files, that NOT depend on files generated by
add_custom_command, rules in make files generated by cmake handle
and they not rebuild every time when I change CMakeLists.txt,

so I hope may be there is possibility to not do not sit and wait
rebuild many files, when I add new files.

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