[CMake] FindOpenGL.cmake proposed patch

Fabrice Ménard menard.fabrice at orange.fr
Mon May 12 17:01:35 EDT 2008

On Thursday 08 May 2008 22:56:36 James Bigler wrote:
> Has something changed with respect to how the NVIDIA drivers were
> installed?  I thought they overwrote the files in /usr/include/GL
> while moving the old ones out?  I've never seen a case where gl.h and
> glu.h were in different places.  If you have examples of this, that
> would be great.
> James

Well, my system is a LFS one.  gl.h (from nvidia) belongs to /usr/include and 
glu.h (from MesaLib) belongs to /usr/X11R7/include.  I think it is not so 
common but the case may arise.

Fabrice Ménard
menard.fabrice at orange.fr

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