[CMake] Cmake 2.6.0 release and _Util project on Visual studio 2003

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Fri May 9 09:18:58 EDT 2008

Markus Israelsson wrote:
> Ok,
> Then I understand the CMake concept and how it differs from the concept
> in visual studio. We use the TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES for non-win32
> platforms (good to know that it is for all makefiles) to add it for
> linking. The reason for not having it on win32 (visual studio in our
> case) is simply because of cosmetic reasons. We will have to change it I
> guess. It seems though like the linking part takes place no matter which
> version of visual studio is used. Should not the extra _UTIL projects be
> created for other versions of visual studio?

Newer versions of visual studio do not automatically link if you depend 
on targets.  I think there was a feature request for CMake to turn on 
this feature in newer versions of visual studio recently on this list. 
Since it is not really portable to even makefiles for the same compiler, 
I don't think it will be added.


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