[CMake] CMAKE/CTEST input test file

Edward Flanigan eflanigan00 at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 30 17:14:38 EDT 2008

> Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 17:04:03 -0400
> From: bill.hoffman at kitware.com
> To: eflanigan00 at hotmail.com
> CC: cmake at cmake.org
> Subject: Re: [CMake] CMAKE/CTEST input test file
> Edward Flanigan wrote:
> > 
> > Using CTest, is there any way to specify what tests I want to run in a file?
> > There is the option for -I where you have to specify the test number.
> > I want to specify the test name (not the number):
> > 
> > TestA
> > TestB
> > TestD
> > 
> > use that file as an input  to CTEST and run only the tests that were 
> > named in that file.
> > 
> > Using numbers can lead to problems, what if more tests are added and 
> > changed the numbers of existing tests?
> > All scripts using those numbers would have to be modified.
> > 
> ctest -R
> -Bill

I don't know how to make -R accept a file as an input?
I have over 100 tests. I want to classify different tests with different runs of cmake.
Say 50 test name stored in file "test1to50" the other tests stored in "tests51to100"
Each file contains the names of 50 different tests.
I still want flexibility to use test names (instead of numbers) because if a developer adds a new test it may change the numbering system of existing tests.


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