[CMake] Patch: Add NO_CACHE option to find_xxx commands

Yuri Timenkov ytimenkov at parallels.com
Tue Jul 8 03:25:31 EDT 2008

On Monday 07 July 2008 22:04:53 Enrico Scholz wrote:
> "Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva" <miguelf at ieee.org>
> writes:
> >>> I would like to propose the addition of a NO_CACHE keyword to the
> >>> find_xxx commands that would treat <VAR> as a non-cached variable.
> >>
> >> Better wolution would be the equivalent of autoconf's './config.status
> >> --recheck', e.g. reinvoking cmake with empty cache but with original
> >> configuration options.
> >
> > This is not what we want. We want to keep the cache variables since
> > the user might have changed it in the gui.
> No; it is exactly what you want.  Just store the original configuration
> (e.g. 'cmake' commandline or items entered into the GUI by user) somewhere
> and rerun 'cmake' on it with an empty cache.
This is possible by using "initial configuration". For example, maintainer can 
prepare text file with options and paths, which should be known before  
configure steps. User after checkout (copies and) modifies it and passes to 
CMake via "-C" parameter.

> Enrico
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