[CMake] CMake 2.4.5 errors on code which works fine in 2.4.7

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Jan 24 14:50:31 EST 2008


consider the following code snippet:
            IF( Boost_VERSION LESS ${_boost_REQ_VERSION})
              SET(Boost_INCLUDE_DIR FALSE)
            ENDIF( Boost_VERSION LESS ${_boost_REQ_VERSION})

cmake 2.4.5 and 2.4.6 error out on the second line, while cmake 2.4.7
works fine.  Is that a bug in 2.4.5 which got fixed in 2.4.7?

The error is:
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
IF had incorrect arguments: Boost_VERSION LESS ${_boost_REQ_VERSION} (Unknown arguments specified).
Current CMake stack: /home/andreas/KDE-work/4.0/kdevplatform/plugins/CMakeLists.txt;/home/andreas/KDE-work/4.0/kdevplatform/cmake/modules/FindBoost.cmake

At that point Boost_VERSION is not empty, while _boost_REQ_VERSION is
not set. Setting the latter to some value doesn't help.

Any ideas how to solve this (besides upgrading cmake)?


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