[CMake] problem running CPack
Eric Noulard
eric.noulard at gmail.com
Tue Jan 22 15:05:35 EST 2008
2008/1/22, Steven Van Ingelgem <steven at vaningelgem.be>:
> When I run the following, I get this output:
> steven at steven-desktop:/src/WebAztec$ cpack -G DEB WebAztec
Is this the exact command line?
Could you try with
cd <your_build_dir>
cpack -G DEB
no "WebAztec" argument.
> CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
> /usr/share/cmake-2.5/Modules/CMakeGenericSystem.cmake:24:
> Unknown CMake command "SET_PROPERTY".
> CPack Error: CPack project name not specified
Could you post your main CMakeLists.txt ?
> But when I run "make package" everything runs fine?
Does make package build the DEB package?
> Before I was able to run "cpack ." and it worked fine... What would be
> the cause of this?
Is the problem the same with other CPack generator
for example:
cpack -G ZIP
cpack -G RPM
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