[CMake] FindBoost.cmake: please test
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at gmx.de
Sun Jan 20 17:43:24 EST 2008
On 20.01.08 16:05:02, Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva wrote:
> On Jan 20, 2008 2:17 PM, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 20.01.08 14:02:32, Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva wrote:
> > The real problem is actually building up the "right" library names and
> > allowing the user to choose between
> > static/shared,thread/non-thread,debug/release builds.
> Yes, this is a problem, but how are you handling it right now?
The module currently only handles multithreaded/non-multithreaded.
> I'm
> thinking about the GUI user... Say your find module finds the default
> version when the GUI is run. How does the user change the options in
> the GUI when he sees that the found libs are not the ones he wants? I
> don't see any CMake OPTIONS that let him change the
> variable so that when he clicks on configure again he gets the new
> found libs.
I have no idea how cmake's various GUI's work, but if they don't provide
a way to set CMake variables before runnint cmake, thats a bug/missing
feature in the GUI. The FindBoost.cmake module doesn't need to care
about that, it just need to offer ways to specify such options.
> As it is right now, I think the user would have to change each and
> every lib manually to get what he wants...
No, he just has to set the option before running cmake (or before
running it again after finding that FindBoost found the wrong libs).
But yes, using OPTION is probably easier for these things as I can more
easily have a proper default. Thanks for reminding me of the OPTION call
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