[CMake] Re: CMake and distcc

Rodolfo Lima rodolfo at rodsoft.org
Thu Jan 17 09:34:39 EST 2008

Eric Noulard escreveu:
 > No so sure for every linux distro,
> since on my fedora 7 i686 box I have:
> arch is telling that the host is I686
> but the only "mangled" gcc compiler is called
> 'i386-redhat-linux-gcc' which is a symlink to ccache.
> and there is no 'i686-pc-linux-gnu'.
> And I have no played with gcc installation beside
> yum install gcc.

Well, so redhat is doing something different than the rest. If you
compile and install gcc directly from the official tarball, it'll create
the i686-pc-linux-gnu symlink.

Please try to invoke 'gcc -dumpmachine'. In my gentoo box, it outputs
'i686-pc-linux-gnu. What's in yours?


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