[CMake] Using CPack to create multiple packages

Filipe Sousa natros at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 17:13:47 EST 2008

Ted Berg wrote:
> Filipe Sousa wrote:
> I aplogize, my initial post wasn't terribly clear.  I'm currently 
> generating, for example, the following packages:
> foo-sdk-1.0.0.zip
> foo-qa-tools-1.0.0.zip
> foo-killer-app-1.0.0.zip
> These packages have different content and are targeted at different 
> users.  I initially thought I could duplicate this behavior using 
> COMPONENTs in CMake's install command, but it's not behaving how I would 
> like and I'm pretty sure that what I want is abusing the feature (at best).

Ah! I know what you mean but I don't think there is an easy way of doing
that. But it's very useful split a package into small packages (debian
way -- libfoo.tar.gz, foo.tar.gz, libfoo-dev, foo-docs).

Filipe Sousa

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