[CMake] Help:Using CMake with Eclipse

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 16:59:55 EST 2008

2008/1/12, Yang, Y. <Y.Yang at tue.nl>:
> Hi, All.
> I follow the instructions of the link: http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:Eclipse.
> I successfully build my application. However, when I try to use CMake as external tool, the eclipse call it and show cmake cannot find qmake.
> CMake Error: Qt qmake not found!

Does cmake find qmake when runned outside Eclipse?

> How to configure eclipse's external tool enviroment and make cmake can find qmake when it be called by eclipse?

The default behavior of external tool is to inherit environnement.
However you may either append the environnement or reset it using the
Environment Tab in External Tools configuration dialog.


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