[CMake] @MY_VAR@ are replaced by empty string !

Brandon Van Every bvanevery at gmail.com
Wed Feb 13 12:27:11 EST 2008

2008/2/13 Martin Lütken <mlu at danware.dk>:
>  It's seems impossible to contruct a string containing something like this:
>  "@MY_VAR@". The whole thing gets replaced by an empty string regardless
> whether the MY_VAR variable is set or not.

Well, I'm not sure I've resolved your bug, but I found a bug.  If a
"cmake -P myscript" contains a configure_file and attempts to execute
it, it dies with a bizarre error about CMake not being built
correctly.  The "cmake -P" docs do say that a script executed in this
manner does not have any configuration step or cache.  However, it's
not reasonable for it to die with the error it's giving.  I've filed
bug http://cmake.org/Bug/view.php?id=6337 "cmake -P crashes on

Are you using cmake -P or a CMakeLists.txt?

Brandon Van Every

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