Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Mon Feb 4 08:06:17 EST 2008

Malhotra, Anupam wrote:
> Hi
> I have a project in which I am creating a static library using cmake. 
> The source files to be used for the library are spread over two 
> subfolders. I have a main folder say TLV and within TLV I have two 
> subfolders EXT and STD. The C source files are present in both STD and 
> EXT. Now in CMakeLists.txt file present in TLV folder, the following 
> ADD_LIBRARY command is given:
> ADD_LIBRARY(vtlv “EXT\\ext1.c” “EXT\\ext2.c” “STD\\std1.c” “STD\\std2.c”)
> But this gives an error saying invalid escape sequence \v. Can someone 
> please tell me how we can create this library using source files in two 
> different subfolders?
CMake uses POSIX's paths.  So EXT/ext1.c EXT/ext2.c is what you want.


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