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Mon Dec 15 09:51:36 EST 2008
faclitate use of Boost.Signals along with Qt signal slots.
As I'm using Cmake (2.6), how can i achieve the same thing with CMake?
Thanks in advance,
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Hello,<div>I've a big project, where in I'm planning to use both Bo=
ost.Signals and Qt Signal/slot mechanism.</div><div><br></div><div>From Qt4=
.1 there's a CONFIG +=3D no_keywords option provided to qmake to faclit=
ate use of Boost.Signals along with Qt signal slots.</div>
<div><br></div><div>As I'm using Cmake (2.6), how can i achieve the sam=
e thing with CMake?</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks in advance,</div><div>S=
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