[CMake] CMakeEd Eclipse Plugin 1.1.0 RC4 is now available.

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Fri Dec 5 10:36:14 EST 2008

On Behalf of BlueQuartz Software and CThing Software I would like to  
announce another Release Candidate of the CMakeEd Eclipse Plugin.

It can be downloaded from <http://sourceforge.net/project/platformdownload.php?group_id=193949 

This release contains more fixes for opening files not recognized by  
the plugin (like CMakeLists.txt.in). Those files can now be opened  
with the CMakeEd editor and syntax highlighting and command completion  
should be available.

Also resolved is a null pointer exception when saving some types of  

Please give it a try and report bugs or feedback to the sourceforge  
tracker or forums.


Main CMakeEd website:

I would also like to point out this recent blog post:


Mike Jackson                  mike.jackson at bluequartz.net

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