[CMake] CTest: Problem checkout whole repository with automated testing (Continuous Build, etc. )

stefan page stefanspage at yahoo.de
Fri Apr 25 11:20:22 EDT 2008

I have a little problem with Continuous, Experimental and Nightly builds.
For preliminaries, I've a directory structure that looks like this:
The fooApplication-Folder contains the CMakeLists.txt from which the project were generated. The fooApplication also uses the fooModule via INCLUDE ( ../../modules/fooModule/fooModule.cmake ).
The problem now is that if I want to setup a test workstation for Continuous and nightly builds, ctest will only update fooApplication-Folder not the whole repository.
Is there any way to say CTest that it have to udpate the whole repository (e.g. from /svn/trunk/ ) ? Or update only the folders which were used to build the project??
I have already tried to set the CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY variable in CMakeLists.txt or to use a custom CTest script which uses the CTEST_UPDATE command. (CTEST_UPDATE is not supported in CMake/CTest 2.4.8 )
Could anybody help me?

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