[CMake] cmake and distutils

Alexander Neundorf a.neundorf-work at gmx.net
Tue Apr 22 15:14:57 EDT 2008

On Tuesday 22 April 2008, Christophe Alexandre wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm working on a C++ project exporting its API with in Python.
> Is there an "easy..." way to compile and generate the Python Modules
> with cmake.
> I find the the distutils and cmake hard to use together : not the same
> build management, the installation process,...
> Wouldn't it be better to compile the Python Modules only with cmake ?
> If anyone has some experience on the subject, I'll be happy to hear
> from it.

Compiling python modules with cmake is no bigger problem.
You just have to build the target as "MODULE" library and link against the 
appropriate libs.
Do you need to do more ?


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