[CMake] Redirect stdout from COMMAND in ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND (CMake 2.6 RC8)

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Mon Apr 21 07:12:36 EDT 2008

2008/4/21, Alejandro Morell Garcí­a <alejandro.morell at gmail.com>:
>  I'm trying to convert the following script into CMake add_custom_command:
>      echo #include "glib-object.h" > gstmarshal.c.tmp
>      echo #include "gstmarshal.h" >> gstmarshal.c.tmp
>      glib-genmarshal --body --prefix=gst_marshal ..\..\gst\gstmarshal.list
> >> gstmarshal.c.tmp
>      move gstmarshal.c.tmp ..\..\gst\gstmarshal.c
>      echo #include "gst/gstconfig.h" > gstmarshal.h.tmp
>      glib-genmarshal --header --prefix=gst_marshal ..\..\gst\gstmarshal.list
> >> gstmarshal.h.tmp
>      move gstmarshal.h.tmp ..\..\gst\gstmarshal.h
>  That I translated in a more simple "cmake script":
> ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gst/gstmarshal.c.template
>          "#include \"glib-object.h\"" "\n" "#include \"gstmarshal.h\"" "\n")
>      ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT gstmarshal.c
>          COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy gstmarshal.c.template gstmarshal.c
>          COMMAND glib-genmarshal --body --prefix=gst_marshal
> ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/gstmarshal.list >> gstmarshal.c
>          COMMENT "Generating flex and bison parsers" VERBATIM
>      )
>  If I create a linux makefile, the make fails with:
>  (process:11394): GLib-Genmarshal-WARNING **: failed to open ">>": No such
> file or directory
>  and all stdout from glib-genmarshal is echoed in terminal.
>  Inspecting Makefile, the problem seems this (file
> gst/CMakeFiles/libgstreamer.dir/build.make):
>  cd
> /home/alejandro/Proyectos/gstreamer/gstreamer-0.10.19/build/gst/
> && glib-genmarshal --body --prefix=gst_marshal
> /home/alejandro/Proyectos/gstreamer/gstreamer-0.10.19/gst/gstmarshal.list
> ">>" gstmarshal.c
>  Cmake coutes >> operator, so no redirecting is done.
>  Someone knows how to avoid this?

Did you try to remove VERBATIM option for ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND?

I have a similar ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND which use
>> or > redirection with no pronlem.

I know that VERBATIM _should_ be used but if it works without it
it may be worth a bug report.

However which version of CMake do you use?

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