[CMake] Adding configuration for a new compiler

Hendrik Sattler post at hendrik-sattler.de
Tue Apr 15 04:21:25 EDT 2008

Zitat von Alexander Neundorf <a.neundorf-work at gmx.net>:
> This is the ABI test. It is not special for cross compiling, but it would be
> nice if it would work.
> We need to see the error message.

I found out why: yet another bug in the compiler front-end. It doesn't  
copy "" to the cpp30 call, thus a space in the path breaks it. :-(
On Windows, CMake installs to a path with spaces by default:
   "C:\Program Files\Cmake 2.6"

Not actually a CMake problem, just an extremely buggy compiler  
frontend. I just note for user of that one to install cmake to  
C:\local instead. The only work-around I could imagine is to copy over  
the file before trying to compile it (no path -> no problems).

Thanks anyway...


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