[CMake] FindBoost.cmake updated on the bugtracker

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat Apr 12 04:07:15 EDT 2008

On 11.04.08 11:24:11, Doug Gregor wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 5:51 AM, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de> wrote:
> >  Did so and of course a few small changes where needed :) I'll attach a
> >  diff of those needed changes. With those changes cmake properly finds
> >  the static libs if I provide the Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS and it finds the
> >  import libraries for the .dll's if I don't provide it (which I assume is
> >  the right thing). It also properly finds debug vs. release versions of
> >  the libraries.
> With these changes, things have been working very well for me on both
> Mac and Windows.

Good. Thanks for the testing.

> >  If you need a test with MinGW too that will take a bit as I'll have to
> >  set that up and compile boost first for that (not sure if its even
> >  supported from boost's side).
> IIRC, Boost works with MinGW, but we don't put much effort into
> testing or maintaining it.

<personal opinion>
My experience with MinGW so far is that its simply not ready yet for
projects such as boost or KDE, they still need some time. Thats why
I won't do work on getting KDevelop4 working on MinGW - at least not
without someone paying for it.
</personal opinion>

> Frankly, I think we should put this new FindBoost into 2.6.0, assuming
> there's another RC. I'm attaching the latest version (only typo fixes
> from the diff Andreas sent out).

If it gets into 2.6.0 that would be awesome. It would mean that this
module could be dropped from KDE4 as soon as it depends on CMake 2.6
(probably with KDE 4.2).


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