[CMake] Question about FIND_LIBRARY

Ilya Shvetsov chvetsov at kranx.com
Fri Apr 11 10:53:29 EDT 2008

		Hi, all.
I use cmake 2.4.8 on Windows XP with MSVC 2005 and Cygwin installed.

I have two versions of lib "A".

First one for MSVC - A.lib
Second one for gcc - libA.a

To find lib "A" I type this command

For NMake Generator all work fine. For "Unix Makefiles" Generator cmake
can't find library.
I tried to find problem and found this for "Unix Makefiles" Generator


What I do wrong. May be I must give some hint to cmake.

I use this command lines to generate makefiles

"cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" .." - for MSVC
"cmake -G"Unix Makefiels" .."  - for Cygwin gcc

Ilya Shvetsov
KranX Productions

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