[CMake] FindBoost.cmake updated on the bugtracker
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at gmx.de
Wed Apr 9 05:51:42 EDT 2008
On 08.04.08 16:43:30, Doug Gregor wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 5:54 AM, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de> wrote:
> > New version uploaded.
> I've looked through this module a bit, and it looks like it's in great
> shape. I have a few suggestions, implemented in the attached
> FindBoost.cmake; the diff against "v9" from the bug tracker follows.
> The changes I made where:
> - Fixed setting of Boost_LIBRARIES when the QUIET option is passed
> - Made non-user-configurable cache entries INTERNAL; mark other
> options advanced
> - Minor formatting changes for some of the output.
> I don't have a Windows machine easily available, so I'd like to take
> it for a spin on Windows as well.
Did so and of course a few small changes where needed :) I'll attach a
diff of those needed changes. With those changes cmake properly finds
the static libs if I provide the Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS and it finds the
import libraries for the .dll's if I don't provide it (which I assume is
the right thing). It also properly finds debug vs. release versions of
the libraries.
This was with MSVC8, but I don't think there are any problems with other
MSVC versions.
If you need a test with MinGW too that will take a bit as I'll have to
set that up and compile boost first for that (not sure if its even
supported from boost's side).
Be cautious in your daily affairs.
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