[CMake] FOSDEM Talk on CMake is available

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Wed Apr 2 21:02:33 EDT 2008

Alan W. Irwin wrote:

> In sum, pkg-config is already widely used on the Linux/Mac OS X side of
> things and there doesn't seem to be any fundamental reason to discourage 
> the
> use of pkg-config on windows even though most windows-only developers are
> currently completely unaware of how useful pkg-config can be.

So, I had this discussion on the kde list.  pkg-config is great if it is 
installed on the machine you are using.  However, since it is not a 
default install on anything other than linux machines, you really don't 
want to depend on it.  Sun, SGI, OSX, and Windows may or may not have 
pkg-config installed. However, they may have the software you are 
looking for.  If you don't find it (the software you are looking for) 
because there is no pkg-config, then people will not like your software. 
  I suppose if you really wanted to depend on pkg-config, you would look 
for it in the first line of your project and error out with a 
FATAL_ERROR if it is not found.  Tell the user to install pkg-config 
before configuring your project.  For example, I don't think pkg-config 
is on any machines at Kitware other than linux machines.


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