[CMake] CMake 2.6.0 RC 6 ready for testing

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Wed Apr 2 14:13:11 EDT 2008

I am happy to announce that CMake 2.6.0 RC6 is ready for testing.
You can find the source and binaries here: http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.6/.

Here is the list of changes for the 2.6.0 branch so far:

Changes in CMake 2.6.0 RC 6

- Added ChangeLog.manual
- Allow CMakeImportBuildSettings force compiler to be optional
- Change cpack deb packager to detect the architecture
- Fix FindCurses to be backwards compatible with cache variable 
- Add version variables to FindQt4.cmake
- Fix CPack Deb generator to not hard code /usr
- Better default size for cmake-gui help dialog
- Fix problem where incorrect path was used for cmake.exe when
   used to do incremental linking on windows nmake or make
- Fix build with system libraries on
- Add color output in kdevelop
- Create non-verbose makefiles in kdevelop
- Fix some missing flags for vs IDE flag map
- Fix MacOSX install symlink crash problem
- Fix turning of Dev warnings with gui's
- Fix backwards compatibility issue with FindMPI.cmake
- Fix for bug 6605, add -L path for optimized in debug sometimes for
   backwards compatibility
- Allow for CMP0000 to be set before any warnings happen
- Do not use FAT32 hack in VS 2005 and 2008 unless on a FAT32 disk,
   causes try-compiles to be 3 times slower if FAT hack is present.
- Fixes to debian cpack
- Can now check if a proprty is SET or not
- Fix for generate with vs 2005 and vista not being able to create stamp 
- set_property with an empty value unsets that property now
- Fix FindQt4 on windows with some \ style paths

Changes in CMake 2.6.0

- Documentation for all variables
- Automatic reload of projects in visual stuido 7 and greater
   when cmake is re-run.
- Direct CDash submit support
- Bullseye coverage support
- Use full paths for linking to libraries on all platforms. No longer
   separate into -L and -l.
- Enhance the install command
- export command and ability to have imported targets
- CPack support for rpm and deb
- Cross compile support
- New Qt GUI
- Introduction of the cmake_policy command
- Much better Fortran support
- Mac OSX Framework creation support
- Project generators for Eclipse and CodeBlocks
- Beta support for asm in makefiles
- Enhanced find_package() command with support for project-installed
   FooConfig.cmake files
- New CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH environment variable to specify user search dirs
   for find_xxx()
- Lots of bug fixes

Please try this version of CMake on your projects and report any issues
to the list or the bug tracker ( I have added a CMake-2-6 version ).
The biggest change by far is the new cmake policies.  For more
information about policies see http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_Policies.

Happy, building!


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