[CMake] FindBoost.cmake updated on the bugtracker
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at gmx.de
Wed Apr 2 03:27:58 EDT 2008
On 01.04.08 21:53:59, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
>> On 01.04.08 16:37:42, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>>> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
>>>> On 31.03.08 20:14:00, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>>>> Also note that those variables you use in
>>>> find_path are automatically cached and I don't think they should appear
>>>> in it.
>>>> Apart from that, you're iterating over all test versions, thats
>>>> unecessary.
>>> Um... no. Here's what happens without the patch:
>> Exactly what I suspected. So would you mind explaining why you can't use
>> the version in /usr?
> It's too old :-).
Then I don't quite understand what the problem is.
>> I'd just like to know wether the script might
>> actually need a minimum as well as a maximum number, because boost
>> doesn't play by the rules and breaks source/binary compatibility.
> Um... doesn't it already have a minimum version number? The problem is,
> users of FindBoost don't always DTRT and set it. (I guess you meant
> adding a maximum number?)
Thats a bug in those users CMakeLists.txt and need to be fixed there,
not trying to workaround that in the find module. Writers of buildsystem
need to define their dependencies properly.
> The previous version checked and rejected versions that didn't meet the
> minimum version number, so in a sense you might say we've gone
> backwards. But I think preferring BOOST_ROOT over /usr should be
> sufficient; presumably if you set BOOST_ROOT you know what you are
> doing, and intend for that to be used.
Thats exactly why I lean towards adopting your patch :)
> This also works when users don't set the minimum version number.
Which hides a bug in other people's CMakeLists.txt
>>> Here's an updated patch (note that I used --ignore-all-spaces to diff
>>> so the indentation changes don't make it noisier than it needs to
>>> be):
>> Which still has the two problems
>> a) it puts two completely useless variables into the cache
> There should be a way to clear them after the loop runs? (Are empty
> variables still cached? What/where is the 'unset' command?)
I was too lazy to look into it, but as far as I can see there's no
unset command. But you can do something like
if( Boost_INCLUDE_DIR )
to reset the variable so the next find is run as well.
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