[CMake] Question about distribution questions

Joachim Ziegler ziegler at mpi-sb.mpg.de
Mon Sep 24 05:55:32 EDT 2007

Hello Alan,

thank you for your detailed response. Seems that we are converging. ;-)

Indeed, IMHO a clarification of the terminology by means of a concrete 
example is what is strongly needed to get a newbie started.

The work contributed to this thread should not be lost. So I would like 
to give back to the community and write a short step-by-step tutorial 
and publish it on the wiki - if there is public interest for such a thing.

What I'd like to do is to give a simple, but non-trivial example (or to 
extend the example from http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Examples.html) for an 
every day work cycle with the CMake make system:

In the source tree you have a small number of .c and .h files that you 
work on (maybe no subdirectories for the ease of the example).

Now list the steps that have to be done to

a) compile the project into the build tree
b) install it into the install tree
c) package it to give it away
    - as a binary package
    - as a source package

I can imagine that an explicit example with an explicit CMakeLists.txt, 
explicit paths, and the explicit commands given on the command line to 
perform a), b), c) would make a great help and starting point for every 



"It would be great if, at the bottom of the page, a few examples of the 
INSTALL command were given. It is hard for a brand-spanking newb like me 
to differentiate arguments that are just placeholders for something that 
I enter from actual keywords that must be used."

That's exactly my problem.


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