[CMake] CMake2.5 - wrong default install location for mingw

Gonzalo Garramuño ggarra at advancedsl.com.ar
Sat Oct 20 12:35:05 EDT 2007

Bill Hoffman wrote:
> But hey CMake is open source, you can always add the code you want by 
> yourself.
Here it is...  I put some questions in the comments as I'm not that 
familiar with the subtleties of some cmake's commands. 

You probably want to clean it up.  Took me too long to write (love cmake 
the make system and docs and platform and flexibility and support, but 
its language syntax....too much pain for my taste -- i never remember 
the commands).

As far as the other stuff...

 > BTW both cygwin and msys have a ln to create symlinks:

Again, they are NOT symlinks.  In the same page you sent me it clearly 
specifies that those are not symlinks but get translated to mount points 
in /etc/fstab when they are dirs.  When they are files, you get a 
hardlink (and only if they are on NTFS!).  Not the same.  At least not 
at all to what the Unix world or Wikipedia calls symlinks.
Only with *Windows Vista* you can get actual symlinks in windows, but 
cygwin/mingw will likely not benefit from that anytime soon as they link 
against an old msvcrt for legal reasons.
Either way, this is offtopic and has *nothing* to do with what I asked.

 > I am not going to add code into CMake that translates POSIX's paths 
into windows paths. 

You aren't and I did not ask for that.  You are always working with 
windows paths.   The conversion is handled by MSYS for you in the PATH 

 > CMake would have to be a MSYS app to understand MSYS paths.

No.  But if you want to make FIND_PATH() and all the others also support 
MSYS mount points, be my guest.  That's not what I asked for, thou.

Or was all this just a trick to get me to become a cmake developer? :)

Anyway, if you want to go down that path of an MSYS cmake, rather than 
linking the cygwin/mingw library, have you considered just parsing 
/etc/fstab now that you know where it is as far as windows is 
concerned?  The big benefit of that is you maintain a single windows 
cmake that can generate all types of makefiles.

Gonzalo Garramuño
ggarra at advancedsl.com.ar

AMD4400 - ASUS48N-E
Kubuntu Edgy

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