[CMake] Changing compiler at runtime

Gonzalo Garramuño ggarra at advancedsl.com.ar
Sun Nov 25 02:12:08 EST 2007

Recently, Josef Karthauser was requesting the ability to change the 
compiler at runtime.

I am now more or less seconding that request or asking for workarounds.

The situation:
	I have a complex project built for windows that has several plug-ins 
that, for each version of the project, needs to be compiled with a 
particular compiler version to keep binary compatibility.  Thus, my v3.0 
needs to be built against vc6, my v4.0 against vc7.1, my v5.0 against 
vc8, etc.
	I am automating the build process for each build as an out of source 
build, but I also need to automate the changing of the compiler.

Gonzalo Garramuño
ggarra at advancedsl.com.ar

AMD4400 - ASUS48N-E
Xubuntu Gutsy

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