[CMake] Add search paths for FIND_PACKAGE ?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Mon Nov 19 16:18:15 EST 2007

On 19.11.07 20:30:13, Stephen Collyer wrote:
> Now, as to whether this indicates a lack of cross-platform tests,
> I'm not sure. On my SuSe installation, curl.h has been packaged to
> end up in /usr/include/curl/curl.h which matches the current
> FindCURL.cmake. All of the Windows development packages seem to
> have this extra include, though.

Oh, I missed that the windows packages have also curl/curl.h, but in an
extra subdir (include).

So in fact this a bug in FindCURL.cmake, because it doesn't take that
into account. OTOH the layout of those windows packages is a tad bit
strange, usually you get <installdir>/lib + <installdir>/include for
stuff that comes from *nix originally.

So yes, file a bugreport in the cmake bugtracker.


Cold hands, no gloves.

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