Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Wed Jun 13 10:10:37 EDT 2007

gga wrote:
> gga wrote:
>> Currently, using cmake2.5, I am finding the lookup order of FIND_PATH /
>> FIND_LIBRARY to be counter productive, so I'm wondering if this is a bug
>> or intended behavior.  If intended behavior, I would also want to know
>> what's the proper way around it.
> Okay, no comments so far, so I logged it as a bug -- see bug #5156.
> I've looked into it and it seems the order of the definitions in
> Modules/Platform/UnixPaths.cmake are wrong.
> This is a pretty serious bug that effects unix platforms, but luckily
> also easy to fix.
> Here's what I belive is a fixed UnixPaths.cmake file.
So, I guess it depends on the UNIX system you are using...  Say on 
Solaris or HPUX I would
expect /usr to come before /usr/local, at least for the system 
compiler.   It seems a bit dangerous
to have a system that has different versions of things in /usr and 
/usr/local, and to expect the
/usr/local one to be picked first.


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